Sharing God’s Love
Sharing through hospitality….
We are blessed with a beautiful building and many spaces of various sizes. We welcome new groups.
Many groups find our building to be ideal for their gatherings. We host a number of different evening twelve-step groups, local theater groups, and many other community organizations.
MOSES has their offices here and we are proud to be a part of that important ministry.
Sharing with our neighbors in need…
We are a founding member of the faith communities who organize the Schenk Weekend Nutrition program, providing food for needy children at Schenk Elementary school (70% of the children receive free breakfast and lunch during the school week.)
St. Luke's contributes to the St. Stephen's Food Pantry and provides financial support to many local charitable agencies including the Salvation Army, DAIS, Madison Area Jail Ministry, and Second Harvest food bank. Additionally, St. Luke's has a little free library and stocks two other mini-pantries located in the front of our building along Major Avenue. One is for non-perishable foods and the other is for toiletries/personal care items.
Internationally, we also participate with the Newala-Milwaukee Companion Diocese Relationship and the Haiti Project.
Sharing through hospitality….
We are blessed with a beautiful building and many spaces of various sizes. We welcome new groups.
Many groups find our building to be ideal for their gatherings. We host a number of different evening twelve-step groups, local theater groups, and many other community organizations.
MOSES has their offices here and we are proud to be a part of that important ministry.
Sharing with our neighbors in need…
We are a founding member of the faith communities who organize the Schenk Weekend Nutrition program, providing food for needy children at Schenk Elementary school (70% of the children receive free breakfast and lunch during the school week.)
St. Luke's contributes to the St. Stephen's Food Pantry and provides financial support to many local charitable agencies including the Salvation Army, DAIS, Madison Area Jail Ministry, and Second Harvest food bank. Additionally, St. Luke's has a little free library and stocks two other mini-pantries located in the front of our building along Major Avenue. One is for non-perishable foods and the other is for toiletries/personal care items.
Internationally, we also participate with the Newala-Milwaukee Companion Diocese Relationship and the Haiti Project.