"Lord, open our lips.
And our mouth shall proclaim your praise."
And our mouth shall proclaim your praise."
The Daily Office
The Daily Office is an ancient practice that uses daily prayers to mark the various times of the day. For Episcopalians (and other Anglicans), this generally comes in the form of the two main offices of Daily Morning Prayer and Daily Evening Prayer. They may be led by lay people and are said communally or individually. Other offices as set forth in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (BCP) include Noonday Prayer and Compline, which is an office said before going to sleep.
Morning Prayer via Zoom at St. Luke's
St. Luke’s currently gathers on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays for Morning Prayer as a community on Zoom at 8:45am. We'd love for you to join us. Check out our announcements page (click here) to find the Zoom links for this week's Morning Prayer times.
St. Luke’s currently gathers on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays for Morning Prayer as a community on Zoom at 8:45am. We'd love for you to join us. Check out our announcements page (click here) to find the Zoom links for this week's Morning Prayer times.
How to Pray the Daily Office
Picking up a 1979 Book of Common Prayer and attempting to make your way through one of the daily prayers found in the Daily Office can be intimidating. To do so on your own, usually requires getting familiar with some liturgical and religious lingo, as well as having a firm grasp of the church calendar.
Not to worry though! There are many ways to pray, including more free-form or contemplative prayer practices. However, there is much value in this ancient and collective act of daily prayer gifted to us in the Daily office, and many resources exist to delve into this practice.
Not to worry though! There are many ways to pray, including more free-form or contemplative prayer practices. However, there is much value in this ancient and collective act of daily prayer gifted to us in the Daily office, and many resources exist to delve into this practice.
Fr. Don Offers a Daily Office Tutorial Using Morning Prayer as an Example
Some Other Prayer and Daily Office Resources
- The Online Book of Common Prayer (1979)
- El Libro de Oración Común (1989)
- Lectionary Calendar (Episcopal Church)
- Daily Prayer: A Resource of Forward Movement
- Venite App (an extensive and easy-to-use prayer app sponsored by Forward Movement)
- Forward Movement Podcasts (including Daily Morning Prayer & Evening Prayer podcasts)
- Five Part "Daily Office Basics" Video Series from Grace Episcopal Church - Sheboygan
- The Anglican Rosary (with examples)