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Announcements - September 6, 2024:
Announcements September 6, 2024Salsa, Tacos, and Beer, Oh My! Bon Voyage Jeri and Gary. Episcopal 101 starts on September 24. Worship in The Woods next Wednesday.
Every time there is a moment of farewell with friends I am reminded of Jesus's last words in Matthew's Gospel "I am with you always even to the end of the age." My favorite seminary Professor Gary Pratico said this promise to "always be with" is the most important promise God ever makes to people. He makes it to Moses speaking from the burning bush and Jesus promises it as he says good bye to his friends. It is this un-ending and undeniable presence of God that connects us to each other, and even though we will say "good bye" to Jeri and Gary Lambert on Sunday through Christ's presence we are still bound to one another.
You have seen all of the activities that are going on at St Luke's this weekend. (My sabbath day on Monday will be well-earned.) However, there is one other thing you should all be aware of that is happening this weekend that is not at St Luke's but involves St Lukers. Morris Saddicario has been invited on a Badger Honor Flight to visit Washington D.C because of his years of service in the military during the Vietnam War. Each veteran on the trip is accompanied by a guardian. Don Clewett, a Gulf War vet himself, will be Mo's guardian for the trip. Images from the trip will be posted on the Badger Honor Flight's Facebook and Instagram.
The Wednesday noon Bible study starts back up this week. We will be tackling The Letter to the Hebrews this Fall. Come out and Join us!
Make sure to check out all of the exciting things that are upcoming. I hope to see some of you next Wednesday evening at Edna Taylor Park.
See you in Church,
September 7 - Salsa Making and Canning Class
September 8 - Farewell Party For the Lamberts
September 8 - Taco Fiesta
September 11 - Prayers in The Woods
November 10 - Episcopal Visitation with The Rt. Rev. Matthew Gunter
Serving at this Service
Lector - Mary Mendelsohn
Eucharistic Ministers - Carl Reimer and Jonah Heiser
Acolyte - Carl Reimer
Greeter - Nancy Endres
Technology - TBD
Counters - Diane Brown & Carl Reimer
Vestry Person of the Day - Theresa Cunningham
Speak with The Earth and It will Teach You - Worship
As a way to wrap up our reading of the Speak With Earth and It will Teach You book we will gather for a service of prayer and song on September 11 @ 5:30 p.m. at The Edna Taylor Conservation Park on Femrite Drive.
All are invited, and encouraged, to join in praying in the outdoors. Even if you didn't read the book, still join us for evening worship under the trees, and clouds.
St Luke's and Good Shepherd will have a visit from our new bishop The Rt. Rev. Matthew Gunter on November 10.
Stay tuned for more details about the visit.
In preparation for Bishop Matt’s visit to both Good Shepherd and St Luke’s on November 10 there will be a Episcopal 101 course offered on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm. The instruction will take place at alternating sites between Good Shepherd and St Luke’s.
Of course, this class is structured to prepare folks for receptions and confirmations on November 10, but it is open to any curious person. I am certain, even if you have spent your whole life in the Episcopal Church, you will gain fresh insight into how we approach being Jesus’s disciples.
Our guiding text will be Walk in Love by The Rev. Scott Gunn and The Rev. Melody Wilson Shobe. You can find the book at any large bookseller. (If you need a scholarship to purchase the text, please let me know.)
If you choose to attend, we would like you to commit to making as many sessions as possible. Perfect attendance is not a requirement, but consistent attendance will help you gain the full blessing of these discussions.
A reminder that people making offerings through the digital giving service can offset the fees that St Luke's is charged by absorbing them when making their gift. There is option to pay the fee whenever you give through the portal.
Our Little Pantry Ministry
A steady stream of neighborhood people visit and are supported by the food and personal items from the St. Luke’s Little Pantries outside the front of the church. That means that there is a constant need for food and personal items to stock these pantries.
What items are most needed and appreciated? See the list below.
How can you help fill the pantries with these items? Buy items (preferably on sale) when you do your own grocery shopping and put them in the laundry basket at the back of the church. OR put a donation/check labeled “Little Pantries” in the Sunday offering.
Questions? Contact Laurie Powers (608-279-8162) or Sandra Ladik (608-575-7366).
Items in demand for the Essentials Pantry
Bar soap (big bars)*
20 bars
Body wash
5 bottles
5 bottles
Deodorant (men)
Deodorant (women)
Toothpaste (large size)
Tampons (well-known brands like Tampax)
8 boxes
Dental floss (often donated)
Toothbrushes (often donated)
Toilet paper (taken from St. Luke’s store)
Items in demand for Food Pantry
Rice-a-roni and things like it
Boxed Mac’N’Cheese
Canned goods like spaghetti and ravioli
Canned corn and, to a much lesser extent, canned beans
Canned tuna (large)
Cereal, dry (small boxes)
Oatmeal (buy in large packages, 8-10/package)
Ramen noodles (buy in large packages
Packaged soups
Weekly Morning Prayer
Online Morning Prayer
September 10 - Morris
September 12 - Don
September 13 - Don
Everyone once-in-a-while I like to remind folks that there is a lot of good information that gets published each week from our diocesan office. Consider signing up for our Diocesan eNews. It is a weekly set of announcements about events all over the Diocese of Wisconsin. Being on this list also insures that you received special announcements from the Bishop from time-to-time. (Of course they have been more frequent recently.)