Belonging ...
There are many ways to participate in St. Luke's Episcopal Church without technically belonging. You are welcome to attend any services or events without formally joining the church. Others find that they want to belong to a specific church family.
If you are not a Christian... Christians are people who follow Christ Jesus, so you may want to get to know what he taught and how he lived and died. In addition, to attending services, you may want to read the four versions of his life in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.)
If you have never been baptized...Holy Baptism is "full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ's body the church. The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble." Both children and adults may be baptized.
If you are a Baptized Christian coming from another church tradition...
Episcopalians believe the Baptism is transition ritual by which we belong to the community of others following Jesus, no matter what church tradition. If you were baptised, you were baptized as a Christian, not a Catholic or Methodist, or some other church. The way for Christians from other churches to begin belonging to the Episcopal church, is to be received by the Bishop.
If you are a Christian who has not practiced your faith for many years, and yet you want to return to the church, please know you are welcome no matter what your story is. Some people in these circumstances also want to formally and publicly Reaffirm their Baptism Vows. Others want to slip quietly into church and enjoy the service and the presence of God.
Other Episcopalians or Anglicans who have moved to the area may simply contact the priest to have their membership transferred to the local church.
If you are interested in more information about belonging to St. Luke's, please contact the office at 608-222-6921.
There are many ways to participate in St. Luke's Episcopal Church without technically belonging. You are welcome to attend any services or events without formally joining the church. Others find that they want to belong to a specific church family.
If you are not a Christian... Christians are people who follow Christ Jesus, so you may want to get to know what he taught and how he lived and died. In addition, to attending services, you may want to read the four versions of his life in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.)
If you have never been baptized...Holy Baptism is "full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ's body the church. The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble." Both children and adults may be baptized.
If you are a Baptized Christian coming from another church tradition...
Episcopalians believe the Baptism is transition ritual by which we belong to the community of others following Jesus, no matter what church tradition. If you were baptised, you were baptized as a Christian, not a Catholic or Methodist, or some other church. The way for Christians from other churches to begin belonging to the Episcopal church, is to be received by the Bishop.
If you are a Christian who has not practiced your faith for many years, and yet you want to return to the church, please know you are welcome no matter what your story is. Some people in these circumstances also want to formally and publicly Reaffirm their Baptism Vows. Others want to slip quietly into church and enjoy the service and the presence of God.
Other Episcopalians or Anglicans who have moved to the area may simply contact the priest to have their membership transferred to the local church.
If you are interested in more information about belonging to St. Luke's, please contact the office at 608-222-6921.